Loaded with various layouts
This theme comes with several predefined layouts that you can use right away or adjust to your needs.
Full-width layout options
Create modern looking edge-to-edge layout with ease.
Full width
This layout allows creating a modern edge-to-edge layout
Full width with one side column
Header and footer stretch edge-to-edge.
Full width with two side column
Header and footer stretch edge-to-edge.
Boxed layout options
You can add a full-scale background image to the boxed layout to make your content area really stand out.
Boxed layout
A simple boxed layout.
Boxed layout with shadow
Boxed layout with drop shadow.
Boxed layout with one side column
Boxed layout with one side column.
Boxed layout with two side columns
Boxed layout with two side columns.
More options
Besides these layout options that partially use the Contao layout framework you are free to create any layout based on the Pocketgrid engine, using articles as layout elements.
Currently there are no events.